“Here to Heal” or the Development of an Online Mental Health Counseling Service System and a Mental Health Referral Network Project
Conducted by the Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University Under the support of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, called ThaiHealth.
From gaps in the mental health service that are still multifaceted, which require academic knowledge and practice, focusing on the promotion and prevention of mental health problems to enhance awareness, understanding and treatment of mental health problems of the Thai people especially reaching people who are in need of psychological help not only people who are in the early stages of experiencing problems but also people with chronic psychiatric problems who cannot access to mental health services and to support the 20-year National Mental Health Development Plan, as well as to develop a mechanism to connect mental health work.
The current situation with the COVID-19 epidemic.
It also affects the mental state of the people and may cause fear, anxiety, and stress. The impact of this epidemic will affect the minds of people both during the epidemic and after the outbreak. Psychologists and mental health academics should study and prepare to deal with the psychological impact. Although there is already a vaccine that can prevent the disease, mental health services should be prepared to expand its services to access and provide care for people mentally impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak through collaboration between partners across academia, state and people sector. This will bring great benefits to the development of the mental health of the Thai population in the future.
Main Goal
To increase the channels of providing mental health services to the people to be more diverse and convenient supporting the rising number of people who need mental health services including the development of a network of mental health referral networks by focusing on the development of service providers, tools, and service processes to be able to serve recipients through technology as a platform. The target groups are those who are familiar with technology namely student and working age, as well as people who have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic which affects their mental health.

Long term Goal
To establish a mechanism of the cooperation among network partners to drive the promotion and prevention of mental health problems and to create the referral of mental health services to support national mental health promotion policies as well as to develop a standardized mental health service system in order to push forward a basic service for promoting and preventing of mental health problems to be included in the benefits of the NHSO in the future.
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