Academic Service Department and Psychology Center for Life-Span Development and Intergeneration, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University together with Siam City Cement Public Company Limited operate a project to develop counseling and stress management skills for employees of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited aiming to encourage more happiness at work and reduce the psychological impact of the epidemic situation of COVID-19 to enhance the employees’ working potential. In which the project will consist of the following activities:
Building initial awareness on mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic through articles written by faculty members of the Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University.
Organizing training activities for seniors and high-level executives, the “Mental Health First Aid for Manager”. The course provides consulting skill training to deal with problems that arise with their subordinates.
Providing a Help Line service “Brief Counseling Services” by a psychologist providing counseling services via telephone to the company’s employees for a period of 6 months, along with a 2-quarter report, in which psychologists will combine the information of those who come to use the service without disclosing personal information as well as providing advice on various problems.
Surveying stress levels of employees with statistical analysis and a report to provide insights and advice from experts in psychology.

When the project ended up getting good feedback and cooperation from the company in jointly developing the program curriculum. Employees also gain knowledge and understanding of how to take care of their mental health during unusual situations.